Light and Sound therapy is performed with a device called the Photon Sound Beam XII. It promotes total wellness by combining light and sound frequencies to assist the body's own ability to detoxify, reduce inflammation, oxygenate tissues, devitalize pathogens and balance energy.
Note: Discounted, pre-paid sessions are designed for people who require several sessions close together. Additional sessions beyond three when being provided as part of a series are priced at $35 for a mini and $55 for a full. A series of prepaid sessions are designed to be used within a one month period.
Scheduling an appointment is easy with our online scheduling system. Click on the link below to get started! Required intake paperwork can be downloaded by clicking here.
What is Light and Sound Therapy With the Photon Sound Beam?
The Photon Sound Beam utilizes sound and light frequencies to nourish the body and re-establish ideal energy states. It devitalizes pathogens and breaks up blockages in the lymphatic system. A clogged or sluggish lymphatic system prevents the body from circulating vital fluids and eliminating toxic wastes. In order to be healthy, it is essential to keep the energy and fluids moving so that the body's natural immune response may operate at it's full healing capacity.
Why do People Choose Photon Sound Beam Therapy?
This valuable light and sound therapy may be beneficial to:
How Many Sessions are Needed?
The number of sessions required depends on many factors. Your current situation will be reviewed and an individualized plan will be discussed and developed based on your concerns and desired outcomes.
Is Photon Sound Beam Therapy for Everyone?
Photon Sound Beam Therapy should not be utilized for people with cardiac pace makers or for women who are pregnant or think they might be pregnant.
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